rosalindrowe56 Member


  • That is like winning the lottery, I can only imagine how you must feel. Continue on to your next goal, I have faith you will one day achieve it too.
  • Hello... Congrats on such a huge lifestyle and mind change. Stories like yours give me hope. I have been on this road for, I hate to say it, but 30 years now. At my highest I weighed 314 lbs. that was in 2010. I now weigh as of today 258 lbs. I have been doing lots of soul searching to, along with praying and asking for…
  • Please don't be hard on yourself. Do you have any idea just how many people would give anything to have an AFTER body that looks like yours. At my highest I was 314 lbs. that was seven years ago. I started this journey out at 288 lbs. I am now down to 253.00 lbs. My goal Is to be down to 180 lbs. by this time next year.…
  • I thank the two of you also for your words of encouragement, congrats on your hundred pound loss bele2009 that has to be a mind blowing experience, and the best of luck to you Kwas260 on your journey. Together we can do this, thanks again, it really means a lot. Kwas260 I will definitely send out a friend request to you.
  • Thank you all for the warm words of encouragement. I also send out warm wishes to each and everyone one of you, on your own personal success together. We can do this
  • Hi... Goggle "Butter Bob" and "Dr. Eric Berg" I too was in your same situation, but using what they teach, I am having AMAZING RESULTS. The best part of all is the cravings have GONE completely making this journey much much easier. And my arthritis, well what arthritis, is gone too so I can run upstairs again.
  • I know what you mean about "scale check", I was stuck on that too. And let me tell you, when I hit a plateau for two and a half weeks and was doing everything right, it really messed with my mind. "BUT, I STAYED ON TRACK", I did how every tweet a few things, and the pounds started falling off again. If and when I hit…