Height: 5'5 Starting weight: 167 Current weight: 167 (6/02) Goal weight: 155 06/03 : 166.8 06/04 : 169.0 ( ate whole tub of ice cream) 06/05 06/06 06/07 06/08 06/09 06/10 06/11
Height: 5'5 Starting weight: 167 Current weight: 167 (6/02) Goal weight: 155 06/03 : 166.8 06/04 06/05 06/06 06/07 06/08 06/09 06/10 06/11
I would like to join in this challenge! Height: 5'5 Starting weight: 167 Current weight: 167 (6/02) Goal weight: 155 06/03 06/04 06/05 06/06 06/07 06/08 06/09 06/10 06/11
I hope you achieve your goals!!!
I need to lose all the weight i gained in a year. I am totally in! Hopefully this time i can get through without stopping.