Only five more kilos to lose and then I’ll be under 100 kg again for the first time in five years
When I weigh myself tomorrow I’ll have lost my first 10 kg and then it’ll be only 6 kg until I’m under 100 kg again. I haven’t been under 100 kg in five years! I also bought a new shirt for a Christmas party about a month ago, it was a bit snug back then so I’m looking forward to it being a bit looser this week at the…
A sweater I made a year ago is loose around the stomach :blush: And last year it wasn't :wink:
I've been wearing only skirts, dresses and sweatpants for a year now since I couldn't fit into any of my jeans that I had bought only last Spring. But now that I saw this thread I decided to try the jeans on and they fit!! Quite easily actually! Can't wait for them to get loose
Same here, I tried to start again last year but gained another two kilos by the end of the year. But now I'm only 0,3 kg from being a kilo lighter than my last years starting weight! You can do it, too :)
That's amazing! I'm so happy for you. Keep on marching :)
Oh this sounds fun! I'll start with PS tomorrow :)