Gained around 14 lbs Sept - Jan Want to get back to where I was at and up the exercise! Happy to accept friend add for support on your journey! ☺️ Good luck this April all, we got this 💪🏽 April Start Weight: 136 April Goal Weight: 128 Ultimate Goal Weight: 123 April 1: 136
UK based member 🤙🏾 Active Daily Add way!
Yes! :)
Low Carb dieter here, looking for friends!! Add away
Devon, UK
5th every month. As I was jumping on the scales almost 4/5 times a week. Literally Driving my crazy. And obsessing-never good
You're a man! Click male. be YOU
You're a man.
Anyone on LC/HF keto diet. ADD ME B) :) :) ;) ;)
I'm not quite over 55 however I've been living ketogenic 7 weeks come Monday. 11 lbs down so far, weighing once a month. Happy to be friended by anyon also following LC/HF
This escalated quickly.
I want to loose 1lb... When I loose that 1lb I move on to the next until I've shred the full 42! When I see it broken down makes the overall goal not seem daunting. 24 weeks until Christmas.