mandalynn923 Member


  • I made it to the end of this week/beginning of a new week! The rest of my week went much more smoothly after my slip on Wednesday. I even managed to eat out with my family and still stay within my calorie allotment. I realized I was making things a little harder on myself worrying about things out of my control. Simple…
  • Today was a win on the scale in the morning and a fail in the stress eating in the evening. I made my goal of not going over my calories for a whole week and saw how well I can do it if I put my mind to it. This week is crazy for both me and my hubby at work and my kids seemed to have both taken some cranky pills this…
  • @Koldnomore I usually do the same, I try and save calories for snacking at the end of the day. Most of the time I stick to air popped popcorn or a pre-portioned snack. I have to stay away from my "trigger" food and make sure that I don't start munching just because I'm bored/lonely/angry etc. I had a good weekend and I'm…
  • So I did great yesterday and even resisted the temptation of take out. I haven't been hungry hardly at all today and am struggling to get in my calories with healthy choices. These are the days that I usually am concerned about getting all my calories in and end up stuffing my face with junk. I know that will make me feel…
  • Goal: 1. Hit calorie goal (I was close yesterday but squeaked by) 2. Meal plan for next week to make it easier to stay on track. Personal victory for me will be making it all the way to Tuesday without going over my calorie goal. Usually sticking to my plan for the 1st week is the hardest. Every time I go to reach for food…
  • My goals for yesterday didn't go that great...I didn't make a single one. But I picked myself and dusted my tired butt off in an effort to do better today. It's HOT here so exercise in any form is pure torture. I made a plan to go running with a friend tonight though so I'm hoping that I'll have better luck. My goals for…
  • I used to be able to run on a treadmill, but now that I've discovered my love for trail running they are pure torture! Great job on your 3 miles @MichaelaSheppard ! My brain shuts down once I've reached my goal frequently, and then sometimes it's hard for me to restart.
  • Looking in the mirror and recognizing the person I see. Catching my reflection as I walk past a window or mirror and not thinking, yuck but thinking "ohh lala". I'm looking forward to smashing my PR goals and having my girls look up to me as an example.
  • My wake-up call was when I was taking selfies with my little ladies and couldn't recognize the person in the picture. I lost about 30 lb. 4 years ago and was feeling great and then my world turned upside down (a couple times) and it all crept back on plus some. I'm a runner and love being active but I need to get a handle…
  • Dining hall food is nearly impossible to track! I have a hard enough time when I make recipes for my family and I know all of the ingredients and quantities. Glad to hear that you have an athletic heart and mind, good luck on your journey!!
  • So yesterday I made 2 out of 3 goals. I forgot the fireworks were rescheduled for last night so that threw a kink in my walk/run plan. So today... 1.) Get a good night's sleep. [I struggled the past few nights] 2.) Homemade family dinner 3.) Some type of exercise It's great to see everyone's goals. Have a great day!
  • Such a toss-up! I love seeing the definition in my quads and calves but back and arms are probably my real favs.
  • I'm so glad I was able to find this thread! I need some help setting small daily goals to accomplish my big goals. I know it's a little late in the day but here are my goals for today... 1.) Stay within my calorie goal 2.) Run or walk 3.) Make a healthy dinner for my family Thanks for the motivation!
  • Have you checked into a She Runs This Town group for your area on FB? I'm part of a local chapter in PA and love all the support I get from the other ladies. My group has lots of group runs and people post their individual runs for encouragement too. Hope you find a good running buddy.
  • I'm right there with you! I weighed in at 195 lbs. and decided I needed to start again today. I've used MFP to lose weight before and kept it off for nearly 2 years. Now I'm back at it and ready to put in the work to see the results. Good luck!