toeyconway Member


  • @sunnybeaches105 oops lol still getting use to this app. But I've had a therapist as long as I've been taking medication and he's never had a problem with my drinking habits... But my parents do. I guess depression is one of those things that always comes back to you no matter how much outside help you try to get.
  • I can't figure out which one is worse lol they can both kill you and ruin your life.
  • Well I've taken Zoloft for 6 months now and am not sure if the weight gain is due to that, drinking, or eating unhealthy. But either way I need to lose weight if I don't want my parents to worry.
  • I don't drink often but it's always excessive and ends with puke. Weight lifting is so intimidating considering I know nothing about it and can only bench a bar. But I would like to fix my posture and I heard lifting can help.