mkristineks Member


  • Great so far! I'm really happy with the progress I've made with the end of July, and I'm so close to breaking through to the 140's I can almost taste it! Starting weight (Tuesday 7/19) = 154.6 Current weight (Wednesday 7/27) = 151.8 I'll be doing my final weigh-in for this thread on Monday 8/1. A great way to hold myself…
  • Anyone ready to check in!? A little about me: I lost 25 pounds (in about 2-3 months) 2 years ago through monitoring calories and running. Kept it off for around 8 months but then had a period of time where I was extremely depressed. Gained all of it back and maintained that weight (luckily not more!) until about 3 weeks…
  • I'll join! It's been a while since I've been active in the community here (like, several years) and I'm finally back in the groove to get moving with my next stage of weight loss and fitness. Starting weight (7/19)= 154.6 I'm REALLY working my booty off (figuratively and literally) to get down to 145 by my birthday (8/17)…