Evalen306 Member


  • many
  • Lrlong83, I know that the only way that I can make it through the day is by prayer. I went to the store the other day just to pick up three things, I prayed Father just let me get though the store and get just the three things. I came out of the store an praised God that I did make it. You see sometimes in the store I lie…
  • Thanks everyone for all your input, it is so nice to know that there are those out here who care. Have a healthy day.
  • Thank you so much, this is surely help, and avoid a lot of time. I guess this was a little bit silly question, but I am over the hill and the brain is not working as quick as it use too. Again thanks. I will use the chart.
  • Thanks for the welcome, this looks like a nice group. Good Night everyone, this little sheep is going to bed and not to count sheep, I like to read. But it is 10.30 PM HERE.
  • I'm new, Just a little sheep, looking to shed a few pounds of wool. I am not really fat, I'm just wooly :) I live in NH. I am doing the Diet Free Life, 21 day challenge, only lost half a pound this week. Its not my fault, it was that Turkey that did it. He said he was good for me, but forgot to tell me about his pals,…
  • Just had my snow tires put on, live in NH. there was a 6 hour wait. All because we had a little snow the day before. Everyone panicked, had to come back the next day, a two hour wait. Oh well they are on now. No snow yet. Don't care to much for it getting dark around 4. I do not drive at night, so I need to be home by 4. I…
  • I like to put oats in my Greek yogurt makes it thick and yummy
  • I have two favorite Breakfasts One is one serving container of Oikoa Triple Zero coconut cream Greek yogurt I then add 1/4 cup oats to it, mix and enjoy, I love it. I also make what I call my Banana Sprit breakfast. I put 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese in the center of a bowl, I slice one small banana and place each slice…