jgubdlach Member


  • Rounding of lower back that is
  • If your back rounds it's a flexibility or range of motion issue. Tight hip flexor will not cause rounding of back. Look more to trying to loosen and stretch calves,hamstrings, along with the rest of your body. Looks like to me you need to regress and increase flexibility and range of motion before you squat with weight.
  • I had polar ft7 before and I've been using fitbit HR for about 6 months now and I love it. Although I think polar has a better HR estimate and it doesn't have a stop watch other than that it's way better. I recommend it and no stupid chest and!
  • Post workout meal should be the biggest in my opinion. It's the most important along with breakfast as we are in a fasted state when we awake. Hope that helps
  • I also try to stay away from dairy as its for the most part saturated fat. 10% or less daily caloric intake should be from saturated fats no more.
  • My.go to is cooking with 100% extra virgin olive oils ONLY use recommended serving as its 100% fat but 90% is poly/monounsaturated fats which is what you want and I also use an olive oil butter spread as well. One or two meals cooked with that and added to your already 30g you should be pretty close to your goal. Fat isn't…
  • Sounds like shin splints but you have never ran and have been running it could be as simple as that, or an overuse injury sometimes too much too fast is a bad thing regress, make sure you have good flexibility, range of motion as well. Try a foam roller as well. Proper warm up and could down procedures are very important.…
  • Being you're a marathon runner and the type of intense activity you do you should be at a higher caloric intake and possibly reducing your running and focus more on strength training to aid in fat loss. The more lean mass we build the more calories we burn at rest,during exercise and when sleeping/recovery.
  • Stevia****
  • Are you going past 90? Other possibilty is the weight is too much? Also there is a forward lean in the squat although not a huge lean but there is. I would take a look and make sure your flexibility and range of motion at all joints and are no muscle imbalances, then start to look at technique and form.
  • When you keep your choices clean and healthy I think you'll find 1800 is a lot. I do not mean that is too much for you I think 1800 is a good place to start. Be in tune with your body. Follow your macro percentages and pick healthy choices and stay the course. Even making a goal to walk 30 minutes a day is a great start…
  • Sorry to hear that but happy that you're back! Once an athlete always an athlete I agree with you. Good chat. Wish the best on your continued fitness journey!
  • I was talking speaking specifically general public. You're correct as referring to athletes absolutely no disagreement there. What sport do you play? I currently train my cousin (plays college hockey) in his summer off season workouts. He intakes far over recommended daily value for protein but he's an athlete like you.…
  • No not at all I got the wrong impression purely here to try and help if I can. My appologies my man
  • I'm not getting in a passing match bud. No need to be defensive over one study.im sure as you know there is on going debates back and forth. I agree the general public can benefit from more than the "minimum" requirements as they're the "minimum".
  • The recommended intake is .8g/kg/bw. That is for the general public depending on your goals you may need more or less. It can go up as high as 2g but anything over 1g in my opinion is too much unless you're an athlete general fitness should be .8g/kg/bw. You can also adjust your macro percentages if you'd like. Sometimes…