roysteri Member


  • Pick some boxed egg whites, I like to add some when I cook normal eggs, it adds up. Salmon might be a good source of protein as well, tastier than tuna. Beans, lentils, nuts are also protein rich
  • Donkey kicks, pulsing lunges, squats all day long, look up KatyHearn in instagram, she has built herself a nice one and she actually sells workout plans for it, but just in her youtube and instagram you can see a lot of clips of her workouts and get ideas
  • In Spain we have a saying, "Break fast like a king, eat lunch like a peasant, have dinner like a beggar" but we also eat dinner quite late, around 9 or 10 pm so it's easy to not be starving by the time you go to bed and fall into late night snacking.
  • Brussel sprouts! Sauteed with a squirt of lemon and a garlic clove, so yummy!