TiAnV Member


  • Hi all! You can add me as well. :wink: I am a 32 year old full-time working Master's student and mother of a three year-old. I barely have time to breathe let alone work out and lose weight. But I'm doing it! 15 pounds down and 85 more to go! I've never been so motivated before and I'm actually shocked at how well I'm…
  • Louise, it took me a minute to figure it out too. I ended up searching for the exact username under the Find Members link and then I clicked Add as Friend on their profile page. BVincent, I definitely get what you mean! I'm 5'3" and I gained about 90 pounds in the first year of living with my husband (he was my boyfriend…
  • I'll add you! I'm here to lose weight too. I could ALWAYS use the motivation. I don't have the best support circle (my husband is AMAZING, but he's 6'3" and very slender and all of my closest girlfriends are very fit and athletic), so I don't have anyone else in my life who has to work hard like I do! I have one girlfriend…