julzDC Member


  • I get what you're saying. Last time i tried to lise weight, it was dropping off almost a size a week. That was a pretty crazy diet and it all came back anyway. This round, 8 weeks in, i'm dropping less than a pound a week, so right about 3-4/month. I try to stay focused on how much better i feel now that I'm exercising…
    in Impatience! Comment by julzDC June 2017
  • Hi! I won't be 50 until january, but i have the feeling i have more in common with you ladies than the over 40 crowd. Since it's the end of the month, how do i track when the July post goes up? I'm fighting an extra 30 pounds that my body gifted me with when it decided to enter perimenopause (yay.) That's on top of some…
  • Well, i don't fight cravings too badly on the daily, but i have days where i go crazy. I AM hating on the perimenopause. I'm 49 and had been managing to keep my weight consistent (even if a little higher than i'd like) for several years after losing about 30 lbs. Then about 18 months ago, BOOM! It was like my metabolism…