jack3514 Member


  • NorthCascades, The "rolling hills" scenario I use varies the intensity over a 20 minute cycle and I typically do three cycles. The highest intensity is only 10% of that cycle. I love peanuts, but can't have many. I usually have 1 oz of peanuts after my workout. Not only are they a nice reward to look forward to, but they…
  • I don't know your struggle like I know mine, but if feel free to include me when you need to cry out in frustration or shout for joy over a victory. I've experienced plenty of the former, but enough of the latter to keep me going.
    in HELP Comment by jack3514 July 2016
  • Feel free to add me, too. My personal journey sometimes seems like it will take forever, but time flies by (often too fast). Even small, incremental steps in the right direction are really adding up!