KlickittyK Member


  • Glad I'm not the only one for whom booze is the biggest hurdle! God I just love cocktails. I love to make them, I love to go to swanky cocktail bars, I love them. Not all day or every day of course, but yeah. Oh and wine. God I just love wine. LOL I know I do sound like a giant alco. I'm really not, it's just that these…
  • I'm having a little trouble defining short term goals as I need to have surgery in a little over a week and that's kind of throwing a wrench into things. I'm ok and will be just fine, but there's going to be a recovery period where I just won't be able to be very active, and in these weeks leading up to the surgery I've…
  • Hi all. I've finally gotten around to joining this group, even though I signed up on MFP a bit ago - I live in China and the internet here, it can be a bit, aahhh, finicky, let's say. I've enjoyed reading through the other intros and looking forward to being part of the group. I had a doctor's appointment this past week…