DocSkippy Member


  • Lou - what have you done to p!$$ off the universe? Oy! Stable is not big enough to add to it. Replacing the Waggs after 6 months of trying to wrestle it and DW's SUV into Pulte's small @$$ garages!
  • GM~ * Up way too late watching a horrible debate! * New whip en-route. * PT this morning.....haircut.....and hopefully some pool time. Cheers, skipper
  • GM~ * We got overnight rain. YEA! * Hope you get home safe, Lou! * Hoping for pool time today. * Coming down with NCF! Going to go look at something later this morning that caught my attention. 🏎️ Cheers, Skipper
  • GM~ * I feel like this week is going in reverse. Ugh. C'mon, weekend. * Nice house for DS, Kelly! You and Gary must be proud! Remember, Advil is your friend when performing moving duties :wink: * Gonna be hott'r 'n hell today. Hoping for a respite and jump in pool. * My Tom G. custom Vette heat shield is backwards (painted…
  • GM~ * CONGRATS to DS#1 on first house! * You know you might abhor it......but you're going to do it anyway 😎. haaaa. I use my back as my excuse to get out of doing things I don't want to do anymore. * Gorgeous weather day here yesterday. Sunny. Nice breeze. * Hoping for rinse repeat today. * Tom G came through with an…
  • My PA massage was a bust. The place was nice but they were more interested in selling me Essential Oils then concentrating on helping to relieve the back tension from the 4 hour drive. Hmmpphhhhh #MeToo! We always strip beds and towels and clean the restroom when staying with friends/family. I appreciate that others do the…
  • GM~ * Sorry to hear about the boat problems, Mary! * The Wagoneer had a boulder incident in PA and now I have road rash wheel! Ugh! Calling "the wheel guy" today! 🤬 * Hoping for some pool time this afternoon followed by a B&F CTTE meeting for HOA tonight. * 'Twas good to be back in me own bed. * Cheers, Skip
  • Go with it, Doc. I’ve never developed a taste for rhubarb. Packing up and headed home. Long drive ahead. Back not feeling so great. Need me own bed. Cheers Skipper
  • GM~ * #Tucker is a bed hog! * Off to a local doggy daycare so DW and I can go visit cemetery peacefully. * Not sure whats up later this afternoon. Likely her and cousin shopping while me and Tucker enjoy some Miller Lite. * Hott'r n' h3!! still! Cheers skipper
  • Road trip was horrible! I hate PA! The whole damn state is under perpetual construction - not ONE PennDOT worker to be seen! Ugh! Tucker's first road trip was uneventful. He's got his ball - stretched out on King bed and I'm enjoying a deserved Miller Lite! PT today was brutal. Taking a page from Ron/Stephs' playbook and…
  • GM~ * * Hott'r n' h3!! again today. Managed to slide in 2 hours at pool yesterday. * Leaving early afternoon to drive to PA. DMIL's headstone was completed (engraved); DW wants to visit. * Tucker's #FirstRoadTrip. He'll enjoy sleeping in the "big bed" vs. crate! #Spoiled * PT later this morning. Ugh.... * Exciting to hear…
  • GM~ * Gotta get busy and educated on health insurance for DW and I when I finally retire from Govt. * Busy day today. X-Ray on back and PT. Seeing the dermatologist too. * I hope to squeeze in a couple of afternoon hours in the pool. It remains hott'r 'n *kitten* here though I thought I saw my home County (near Caribou…
  • SPECTACULAR photo, SGM! BE CAREFUL of your own back!
  • G’Morning Doc, sorry to hear about your friend. Another hot and steamy one in store today. Pool time and lunch are the priorities today. Great time at local brewery playing trivia last night. Stay cool everyone. Skipper
  • GM, BBB * Hard to believe 2024 is nearly half over! ZOOOooooooom! * Managed to sneak in late late afternoon pool time and happy hour. * Tucker has a "pad" on one paw bothering him so keeping a close eye. He'll skip daycare today. * Trivia night at one of our new favorite breweries. Gonna check that out for a bit. * Are we…
  • GM, BBB * Like Garfield, I H8 Mondays! * Off to DDS, then back to work after a 10-day hiatus. * Hot and humid in store all week. * Have a great week! skipper
  • G'Morn~ * Seafood dinner was spectacular last night followed by a great movie! * Today is rinse repeat: pool; lunch; HH. * Dreading going back to the office tomorrow. ugh. * No kids, but my VERY intuitive and resourceful Tucker got me a great Father's Day present: Cheers, Skipper
  • GM~ * Hot. Humid. Rinse and repeat weather of yesterday. * 28th Anniversary today. Out for Crab Leg dinner tonight. * Perhaps some pool time sometime today. * Safe trek home, Rita/SGM! * Great photo, Dennis! Wilmington is where we are HOPING to relocate to....visiting in a few weeks to look at a Pulte community you told us…
  • Between getting locked out of your suite AND no hot water, I'm thinking you've got strong rationale for a "complimentary night or three" return visit B) <<SASSY>>
  • *No good deed, Lou! SGM - hope you have a LESS uneventful but amazing day today! When does Sassy get her "Yellow Ticket of Leave" from boarding?
  • G'Morning~ * Another scorcher in store today. * PT & Haircut today. * Stay cool and hydrated BBB. ~skipper
  • G'Morning~ Decided to drive home last night (back is killing me today)! Lots of chores to catch up and hoping to find some pool time later. Community HOA meeting tonight - installing committees per our Charter/By-Laws. Gonna be a long meeting. Hope you and Rita are having a great time, SGM! Cheers, Skipper
  • G'Morning~ * Long day thats still not over. * Feeling quite melancholy. * Another long day at the BigRock Fishing tourney tomorrow and I think I'll head home tomorrow night instead of waiting for Thursday morning. * 28th Anniversary this weekend. Planning a special date night dinner. * Mary - send pics of your new setup…
  • You (*and Rita) deserve it, Old SGM! Enjoy the spectacular view and stay! Today was hotter'n *kitten* in NC! 416# Marlin took 3rd place. 4th place #414 Marlin. Difference? 4th place = $0. 3rd Place = $600k payout! Insane to think 2# cost that boat/crew $600,000! Just when you think your day was bad......
  • GM~ * I agree with #Lou! * Long drive yesterday. Now off to tourney. Cheers, skip
  • G'Day Up and OTD early (4a) to drive to NC for a quick work trip. Home Thursday. Tucker saw me packing last night and was in a bad mood this morning. He wouldn't do his business or eat breakfast. DW said he finally relinquished at 8a. Welcome home, Doc! Glad you had a great trek. Have fun, Rita/SGM! cheers skipper
  • G'Morning~ Up way too late. ~skipper
  • Dennis~ "ICY"
  • G'Morning * Fun night out with neighbors. One of whom is a guitarist for a Journey cover band. Was a beautiful date night with DW; country drive in Vette; and great neighbors. Oh yea. MillerLite was "$18 for 6 buckets" * Lou - VERY poignant soliloquy. I know this has been hard on you. Sending you good vibes, my friend.…
  • G'Morning~ * Slept in a bit today. LONG weekend ahead. * PT was brutal yesterday! Truly feeling it today. Ugh. * Off to see a Journey Cover Band tonight (one of our neighbors is the guitarist). Outdoor venue about an hour drive away. Perfect night to take DW and top down on Vette. * Made appt yesterday to visit new…