derbychik03 Member


  • Thanks everyone! Sounds like I need to just get more strict on my calorie intake and start being more precise. I'm also going to try to start hitting the gym more too and getting more sleep. Thank you for your encouraging words and support :smile:
  • I also have hypothyroidism so thanks for weighing in, pun intended lol.
  • Ok thanks yall. I also get hungry at night and this is setting me back too. What are some good things to snack on that will make me feel full without a ton of calories or sugar?
  • Yes
  • I do log everything even though there are days I've gone over my calories but I do not weigh anything on a scale. I probably need to get more strict on portion size. I'm working out as well and lifting weights. I have days where I'm starving and days where I am not hungry. There's usually no in between.
  • I do log everything even though there are days I've gone over my calories but I do not weigh anything on a scale. I probably need to get more strict on portion size. I'm working out as well and lifting weights. I have days where I'm starving and days where I am not hungry. There's usually no in between.
  • About 6-8 weeks