kayleemire Member


  • weigh yourself at the same time each day and check your calories again. I weigh myself daily and when I see a change for the worse then I make an adjustment to my calorie count even if it is under my daily allottment
  • Hi Susannah I have been on my fitnesspal for two weeks I have been counting the calories and have lost 7 pounds. I have 37 more to go. I started dieting 2 months ago so I have lost a total of 15 pounds. Calorie counting really works. I carefully read labels at thegrocery and check the calorie count of everything I eat…
  • Hi I would like to be fitness pals with you. I started on my weight loss program 2 months ago. lost 13 pounds. I just joined this site. Do you cook? If so pick yourself up a used crockpot. Try making chicken soup. It's really easy and low calorie too. Kaylee