25lbsorbust Member


  • Didn't check in yesterday, didn't log anything. A weird fog came over me that made it too much. Taking things slower today. Ended up going to urgent care because of a third day of dizziness. Doctor was convinced I was pregnant, and when that came back negative (like I knew it would, and told her it would, but I digress),…
  • Tuesday! Thought I wasn't going to log today, and then had a brutally honest moment with myself and logged everything I've eaten. Still not too bad. Yesterday I was totally under my goal, so it looks like I'm back on track, for now. Not much else is going on. Going to re-arrange the bedroom tonight, try to get some new…
  • 23, my heart rate today is 70 resting. Usually it's between 63-70.
  • Happy Monday! I maintained the past week.. not as bad as it could have been, but I'm still grouchy about it. That's what I get for "logging" and "watching what I ate" and "totally not doing whatever I want". Time to cut the BS and actually get back to it! Watching the debate last night kind of killed my diet. Cheesey…
  • Gooooood Thursday, all! Feeling a bit better than yesterday. Forced myself to log everything at the end of the day, and was brutally honest about it. Not as bad as I thought it would be! Weight is still up .4lbs from my last 'official' weigh-in, but I'll try to bring that down before my next. Went to the craft store and…
  • HI! I'm Sam, and I'm currently in ATX
  • Surprisingly my holidays aren't too bad? My roommates and I are cooking Thanksgiving together, and all three of us are trying to watch our weight. Halloween I can generally avoid the candy, or only have a piece or 2 a day. The real challenge comes at Christmas.. But in order to deal with that,I'm sending myself a care…
  • I'd definitely try checking out your macros. I'm eating at a rough deficit (1340ish calories a day, plus exercise), and if I don't hit the right marks I find myself ravenous until I grab a clif bar, steak, or something super dense in fat/protein/calories/carbs. Stop with the deficit and try IIFYM for a little bit. See how…
  • Do you have your fitness level on fitbit set to 'custom', and your fitness level on MFP set to sedentary? If so, I've had minor success eating them all back, but definitely a slower than normal weight loss. Usually what I do is look at the measured 'walks' on FitBit (I have it set so that 10min or longer counts as a walk)…
  • I don't bother, because I drink it black. Where I'm at right now, 5-10 extra calories a day isn't gonna break my diet.
  • Happy Wednesday, if that's even possible~ Didn't follow through and calorie count everything yesterday. S/o's DB came over last night for the debate, and brought tons of snacks with him. Had a beer on top of that, and a piece of cookie dough.. it piles on. Up to 151.4, which could be water weight, but I'm not really sure.…
  • Happy Tuesday, y'all. Thanks for the healing wishes for my poor thumb. Without going into gory details, my body is doing its job and its on the mend, slowly but surely. Focusing on getting rid of water weight the next few days, and logging everything. I'm less hungry today than yesterday, so that's an improvement. Now I…
  • I'm in! No one will do challenges with me :(
  • Ammey- thanks for the encouragement! It's the first time I haven't gained anything on a special occasion. Lanna- I love the numbers idea! I'll give it a try. Annie- I'm sure it was a shock to her system! Everyone assumes dorms are these glorious things.. nope, four cement walls, a bed, a dresser. Good enough. Sorry pumpkin…
  • Annie, I love the painting! And congrats on the loss, that's great! My family visit is over, and I think I've successfully maintained, down to the tenth of a pound. Rad. That's about the best I could hope for. Thought I was feeling better, and then woke up a few hours later feeling like death. If anyone caught the license…
  • Thanks, Ammey and Annie. I'm feeling slightly better today, but worse in different ways. We'll see how this goes. Sara- Glad your dog is eating, and maybe feeling a bit better? Best wishes there! Made the best choice I could at a bad hotel restaurant last night, when there weren't many choices to make at all. Tried to log…
  • Trying to convince myself that the nausea I'll get from taking DayQuil isn't worth getting rid of my cold symptoms for a few hours. Also watching Plan With Me videos on youtube. I don't need your judgement
  • That sounds exactly like my diet. Monster or coffee in the morning, microwave meal covered in tabasco sauce for lunch, and whatever I can scrounge up for dinner. Does he work in IT by any chance? ;)
  • Not even a tiny bit accurate. If you plan on eating back exercise calories, either only use the machine's calculated burn (like on treadmills), or buy an HRM
  • Me: I'm not going to snack today! Department upstairs: We have cookie bars for everyone! Other Department: We have breakfast tacos for everyone! Coworker: I brought in cinnamon rolls! All three have happened in the past two days. why
  • I miss being able to eat what I want, too. Sometimes I just want to get a pizza, or a pint of ice cream, or eat chips and dip without having to weigh out everything. It's tough, but it's what has to be done to get your health and body where you want them to be.
  • Lana- I am! It's the only thing that makes my cheap frozen lunches edible! And thanks! I did do it myself. Contact paper is pretty easy to apply neatly, and to take it off all you need is a hair dryer. ('m just hoping I don't switch desks for a while!) Considering a hot toddy when I get home.. that sounds lovely right…
  • I ate texas-shaped tortilla chips while watching the debate last night, and didn't log any of it, like the rebel I am.
  • Short Tuesday update. Caught the cold from my boyfriend that he caught from his co-worker. At work because I haven't been able to effectively accumulate sick time and only have 8ish hours left, which I'm saving for a day I can't pull myself together, or all the frick frackin doctors appointments that come with acquiring…
  • If I were you I'd buy it black at McDonalds and then add the cream yourself, either through single-serving creamers if you're on the go, or just from the carton if you wind up near a fridge. That way you know exactly how much is going in! I know my s/o asks for his 3 cream 1 sugar, and sometimes he says it tastes way…
  • Know that, if you treat your body right while it heals, it will bounce back and you will fit into those jeans again. Everyone will go through ups and downs, and the most important thing you can do is be kind to yourself while the bone repairs, sleeping when you're tired, eating healthy foods when you're hungry, and getting…
  • Change what is around you, first of all. If crisps and sweets are your achilles heel, then get rid of 'em! Don't even buy them. Make sure you have lots of water around, diet sodas to sip on, and change what you've got to eat. Keep a bag of baby carrots in the fridge, for instance, or keep around a snack you don't like.…
  • Welcome, egmontana! Happy Monday, all. Did not log this weekend, much like usual, but tried to keep my activity high. That meant lots of shopping, but sometimes it has to be done! Got a super cute dress at Kohl's on the clearance rack, and bought some food to get us through the week at H.E.B. Nothing over-the-top, but more…
  • Welp, Friday is off to a bad start, as it always is. Weekly SEC muffins from McDonalds with the S/O, it's our little treat once a week, keeps us from going out the other 6 days. Also decided to buy lunch, mostly because my microwave meals have been exceptionally bad recently. Not sure if they're a bad batch or if I'm just…