kgmoody Member


  • Good afternoon Sorry about the heat shield how frustrating. Lou, Also for you. Saw your post on Facebook pride day at the baseball park? We had a big pride day here. It was seriously over the top. Crazy came out in thousands.
  • Sam, sounds like a Monday for you! Hope your day gets better.
  • Mary, they bought in Franklin WI. 9232 south oak creek court Ds2 and his wife. Ha. Got the offer accepted on a property they’re wanting as well. Looks like we will be very busy moving 2 kids.
  • Good afternoon. My basement guest makes the bed. I’m like WTH I’m going to wash those sheets. Oh well. The newlyweds put in an offer on a house. Owner came back wanting 10k more. He’s thinking on it but DID ask for a copy of the HOA laws. Not too many in this subdivision. Ds1 and his gf got an offer accepted on their first…
  • Blessed HOT here. Getting ready to get in the pool. Baseball game tonight in this horrid heat. Great. I like a milkshake But it goes right to my waist too. Mary, wowzer what’s up with those housing prices in Wisconsin? Ds1 is getting ready to put in an offer on one. They seem very overpriced. Ds2 found one last night here…
  • Lou you have a good real going. We will have 2 pensions and have maxed out IRAS for probably 20 years. Investing in top of that
  • Sorry about your friend Lee Hotter than hot. Gee whiz.
  • Morning I’d love to sell the business but not sure how to navigate thru it all and would it really be worth it? Meeting with finance guy in the next week or so. Gary has to retire in 1 year and 4 months. We’re making sure all our ducks are in a row. When we started investing 30 years ago the goal was that I’d retire at the…
  • Dave, those things really do make the best memories. Gary and I can always laugh at them later!! Very frustrating while it’s happening though. Busy weekend with different friend groups going out. Should be fun.
  • Yes, Indiana has limits and size restrictions unless you’re fishing in your own lake or pond. Gorgeous day here. Got home around 1:30. Put baby back ribs on the smoker. Made a new broccoli salad to go with it and soon I’ll whip up a jalapeño coleslaw.
  • We kept 12 bass and 2 bluegill. Mom was thrilled. I love to catch fish and drink beer. Not so much in the cleaning part either. I do supply all the worms. Gorgeous day in Indiana. We’ve had spring weather all weekend and into early this week. By the weekend it’s to be HOT AND HUMID.
  • That’s hot in Vegas. Caught 12 bass and 2 bluegill. Or rather, that’s what we kept. I’d love to fish with you Mary!
  • Up way too early Fence is done Mom and I went fishing. Caught a bunch of bass. She’s happy.
  • Good evening Glad dog sitting is over. I slept in until 7.
  • Thank you all
  • I do want to sell. I’m getting older and the work is getting harder. The big thing is that I need to sell to a person and onboard them working side by side with me for 6 months to 1 year then, they’d take over completely. I am so popular that I could work 7 days a week from 7-7. I no longer have employees. One person show…
  • Good morning Still dog sitting but the dog has finally warmed up to me. Thank goodness Make it a great day.
  • Ok. Thanks. Lots of work to do.
  • North side of fence done except for gate. Gate is at Lowe’s ready for us to pickup tomorrow then, we have to build it. It’s just the frame.
  • Hey, is it your birthday today Sam?? If so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!
  • Good morning We got the old fence torn out Saturday new posts set then got rained out. Spent the rest of the day staining boards in the garage. Yesterday was another wet day. Didn’t get much done. I smoked wings on the grill. Outstanding!!! At least it’s nice today. We might be able to get stuff done later tonight. Have…
  • I’m here at the dogs house I’ve spent a LOT of time with it. She just won’t warm up to me like their other dog, who they got as a a pup. I’m coaxing and praising it just to get outside.
  • Good afternoon Yep, the dentist is definitely done until August. Whew. No pain today so that’s great. I’m dog sitting a dog that’s terrified of its own shadow. It has a harness on so I feel like I have to coax it outside to go potty. This could be a long 8 days. I have faith though. I’ve been around this dog for over 3…
  • Back to dentist. No numbing. I struggled thru it and it’s done. Praise God. Plenty of bourbon will help. Seriously spring here. Very cool. Can’t complain because I’ll be complaining in a month it’s too hot. Ha. Can’t wait to see Dave and Rita’s new appliances.
  • I’d love to have a split range or a double wall oven. Sitting here at the dentist. I guess I’m getting a crown replaced for free. They screwed it up. I didn’t know. New fencing came yesterday. They delivered the wrong stuff. They’ll come back tomorrow pick up the wrong order returning our delivery fee now, I guess we’re…
  • Good morning Haven’t been feeling too great.
  • Nope, same sitter we’ve used before. It’s the family that has 6 kids that we’re friends with. It’s the oldest daughter. We already paid her when we left so that’s that.
  • Good morning Unexpected happy ending could be very bad. Ha Busy day for me. Thanks for the bed reviews.
  • Nice reviews