KhadijahSmith Member


  • Yes dear, dumped. In many different forms. And just as too much water can deplete electrolyte levels and too much sunlight can cause damage to your skin, ingestion of large amounts of sugar can lead to obesity, heart disease, and a host of co-morbidities.
  • A note on added sugars: the chemical composition may be the same as natural sugars, but that's not the problem. Added sugars are DUMPED into processed foods at exponentially higher doses than natural sugars appear in foods. Excessive amounts of almost any chemical is toxic to the body.
  • Food addictions are hard to break. It will hurt to give up/drastically reduce sugar. There's no way to sugar-coat it, pardon the pun. Start your purge on a Friday and take Monday off work. Physical withdrawal symptoms are worst during the first three days. Concentrate on giving up this ONE thing - sugar - don't worry about…
  • Swap Cheerios for plain yogurt. You could add no-cal sweetener or flavorings (I use vanilla extract) to improve the taste.
  • Yoga pants Heels or flats
  • When I realized I had fallen in love with exercise. In the past I had known people like that, who never missed their "gym time" and were passionate about it, but I thought they were nuts: How could anyone ENJOY that? But now I am convinced of its benefits and dedicated to my workouts. And with that piece of the puzzle in…