Annaisready Member


  • Dear poster You are probably like me This program says 1200 for me and it's way too little calories for us I'm going up to 1500 It's way too little ....and then if of exercise its insanely low no wonder my body is not giving up any fat its starving ...
  • Hi there ! I think we've cone a long way to talk about mental health. You are not alone but the first step is reaching out ! Things will get better and there will be a day that you look back and remember you made it . Start off by going for a walk each day ...get outside! If you workout at a gym that's a great window to…
  • cramps? or soreness? ...lactic acid is common. Do alot of stretching before after workouts and even during your regular day. The poster above might have some good advice also.
  • Hi Brianne...this is something that i cannot relate too however I can certainly empathize with you. People who have never had a "weight challenge" have no idea the emotional/ mental aspect that can accompany weight loss/ gain/ fear etc. I believe that the foundation of your obsessing is all based on FEAR and Loss of…