amararc81 Member


  • Well, I eat enough according to this app.. & the exercise I do is to help lose the weight so I don't see the point in eating my hard work if my cals are sufficient. I know it's set up like that but it doesn't let u log your food intake if you're under so I think I'm following it all correctly.
  • Oh & I never eat my exercise cals! That would just be silly.
  • Thanks everyone, I'm probably being impatient cause I've always been able to take weight off pretty fast doing what I'm doing. I usually drop kgs in the first week but not this time.. I guess that's why I'm focused on scale so much. Probably an age thing too.. Gets harder. I really appreciate everyone's input, it's nice to…
  • Good point, water is not a strong point & I could be drinking more. I was on 1200 cal but now 1400 cause I train 3 times a week with a Crossfit pt & at least 20min cardio work outs on the other days at home. Friday & Sunday I take it easy but I'm still active with 3 kids & lots of animals to walk etc. I'm seeing definition…
  • I've been trying for months with diet but just got into intense workouts over the last month which is an amazing feeling! Felt much better last night as clothes were fitting better but still no kgs! Lol In fact ive gained weight! Oh dear, might be time to chuck those scales. This has gotta be muscle right!? Thanks for…