grannynot Member


  • Losing weight SUCKS, because you can spin it mentally any way you want - until that scale starts heading downward, you aren't eating at a deficit or you're not expending as many calories as you think. Scales don't lie. But we are besieged by advertisements and opinions and essays and blogs ad nauseum, trying to convince us…
  • For everyday wear, I like the Playtex 18 hour bras without underwires - good price and good support. After having to go through the TSA "Grope Box" at the airport because of underwire bras - I said "never again". (That was shortly after a couple women had been caught smuggling bombs tucked under their bras)
    in Bras Comment by grannynot July 2016
  • I've been flyfishing since I was 5, and that was a LOOOONG time ago!
  • Stop reading the crap online and listen to your Doctor. Are some of those websites advising <90 levels, trying to sell something to lower it??? You are fussing about something that is a non-issue for you (and while diabetes is a problem, I'd rather have that, than sky-high cholesterol, for example); and meanwhile, the…
  • When I think of how many millions of acres of farmland are dedicated to growing feed for the meat animals (not to mention the cost of the equipment to do that); plus how much money is devoted to raising the animals themselves, I doubt the Farm Lobby will let this go too far? But yes, I'd try it, assuming it was readily…
  • OMG - I LOVE Aussies! My "soulmate" (R.I.P.) Now I have Aussie-poodle mixes: Jack the Cattle Dog (R.I.P.), Jimmy and Baby Ben
  • Get them outside! Hike; grow a kid-sized vegetable garden; run through the sprinkler; catch fireflies; go to a lake. Buy a yard game like croquet or "*kitten*". Get them involved with organized sports. If you raise your kids to be active, they will raise THEIR kids to be active - and with any luck, none of them will ever…
  • Not only that, but I'm locked in the car. I've got a double-whammy: I'm married, absolutely NOT looking; and OLD (although still have kept a shred of badazz, at least for an Old Phart). 16 grandkids old. So you youngsters just go ahead and have fun. Take care of yourselves and your families and friends. Karma is a beotch -…
  • I guess it depends on your job? If you truly are sitting for 8 hours a day, then ride home and sit for the rest of the night.... then perhaps they are right? But most people who have "desk jobs" still move around; and then after work, they shop, mow the lawn, haul laundry, etc. An hour of "Moderate activity" is pretty easy…
  • Same for me - I HATE to track calories (wanton eating is so much more *fun*!) - but now that I am, I've been very faithful and the pounds are slowly dropping. So I guess I'll be hanging around here for a while....LOL!
  • Thank you, yes, that's what I meant :-) If we all had to go back to feeding ourselves (as in growing, hunting, and processing the food that we needed to eat) - I kind of doubt obesity would be a problem.
  • I'm sorry - but it appears your stress in THIS case is self-induced. I don't understand why you would be regularly checking your blood sugar levels when you're NOT diabetic or even pre-diabetic (you sound perfectly healthy in that regard); and clearly you're stressing about it. As Lokigrrl says, you need to focus on…
  • My question is whether there are statistics about weight regain, broken out by approach to weight loss. I feel like the 90+ % failure rate does not apply to people taking a slower and more sustainable approach, but I haven't been able to find much data to back that up. [/quote] I kind of doubt there are accurate…
  • Hmmm. Probability that evolution 'designed' our bodies so that we need to follow arcane, convoluted rules in order to access the nutrition in food, so that we can thrive and breed? Near zero, I'm guessing. Yeah, it's a total guess. But at least I admit it. ;)[/quote] Evolution designed our omnivorous bodies to derive…
  • LOL!! I'll grant you that!
  • Wow. Trust me, by the time the food you eat has reached the end of its 23-foor journey through the digestive system, it truly doesn't matter what you eat, or in what order. It all comes out well-mixed ;-) And actually, by that somewhat weird description, you should be eating your fats (twice the calories of proteins and…
  • I want a national campaign about CICO. Programs in school, on TV and Internet. If it's simply CICO there isn't any need to get into specific foods. [/quote] That is the ultimate truth that so many don't want to hear because it either requires some restraint-in-eating or more exercise, but it needs to go just a smidge…
  • A true "pyramid scheme" is illegal, because money is earned simply for signing people up. Plexxus appears to be just your run-of-the-mill MLM, where bonuses are paid on sales volume; but the volume is stacked pyramidally. Interestingly enough - these plans work the BEST, when you don't succeed. In other words, you bust…
  • LOL! I'm not sure how "productive" it was because I was sitting in the lake yakking with some girlfriends - but it's pretty hard to snack while you're soaking wet. Of course, putting on a bathing suit is ALWAYS a reminder for me that I need to lose some weight........sigh....
  • This is easy :-) There's an acronym called "N.E.A.T." - it stands for Non-exercise-activity Thermogenesis. In other words, ANYTHING you do that makes you move, burns calories. You can burn a remarkable amount of calories just puttering around the house; and then you can step it up a bit by adding to your routine. If you're…
  • What do you enjoy doing/what interests you?? Look around you - there are all sorts of jobs where you can be active all day!
  • "New kid" here. 63 yr old Grandma, want to lose about 25 lbs. Back on MFP since calorie-counting seems to work the best for me and it syncs with my Garmin Vivofit. I'm partially retired, definitely lazy; fighting the usual arthritis/osteoporosis associated with being older - but determined to stay as active as possible.…
  • Yay! I finally found the "old Pharts Group" (said with reverence - "Old Age ain't for sissies" they say). I've been wading through many posts from younger folks wondering how to get a "bikini-ready body" or how to train for your first 5k. Um yeah - those goals were decades ago, long before arthritis and a hip replacement…
  • If you don't eat enough calories, your body goes into "starvation mode" (lethargy, fuzzy-brain, constipation, muscle loss, etc); and then if you start eating too many calories, your body thinks "whew, we survived that!" and packs the weight on as fat so you can survive the next "famine". You'll feel the best by eating just…
  • Your body is a machine and it requires fuel. Alcohol provides the worst of all things: useless calories (no nutrients), it's hard on your liver; and it lowers your resolve to ignore the bad foods. If you MUST drink booze, at least give your body some decent "fuel" to go with it. If you don't have the backbone to say no to…
  • You are looking at this all wrong, IMO? 3 lbs in 3 weeks is a good, sensible weigh loss. 5 to 7 lbs in one week is just water, unless you do nothing but exercise. So you're headed to California, the "land of the lean" where healthy food is everywhere - use this opportunity to get MORE exercise and eat all sorts of fresh…
  • LOL! Who or what are you "cheating" on? Calories are calories - they don't magically disappear because you decide it's a Cheat Day. If you are craving some junk food - then go ahead and eat it after you calculate how many miles you'll have to add on the treadmill to burn those extra calories. Is a cookie worth an extra…