kennyleanne Member


  • Feel free to add me I'm looking to get my motivation on track and help others out along the way over 100lbs to lose much needed support
  • I wouldn't say I'd have a problem with carbs I think it's trying to find the balance, over a couple of years I have struggled with weight loss and this is my biggest challenge, I think it's the fear of a set back, definitely think more balance is needed, great tip for checking packages would not be something I would…
  • I am in the same boat I weigh 235pounds and need to lose 100 to be classed as healthy and fit from my GP I have tried so many diets but they don't seem to help much, I don't shy away from exercise but finding the time with 3 young kids is hard, my bmi is 58% which gets me down as I am the heaviest I have ever been,…