jbandsb2 Member


  • I am also sorry to hear of your health concerns, but I agree with dasher. Concentrate on getting better. that is the most important thing and I hope that you do check in and keep us updated.
  • Hello all. Below is my Chicken Chili Recipe for anyone who might be interested. I am not a person who likes a ton of spiciness and I would consider this to have a decent bite. I tend to cool it down with sour cream when I eat it. This recipe is before I started a low carb diet, so if you find something that is not low carb…
  • I will have to try the cauliflower pizza crust the next time. That is one veggie I like when cooked. I will pull my chicken chili recipe in the next couple of days and post it here in case anyone else wants to try it also.
  • I just tried the fat head pizza last night. As a family we always have a pizza and movie night each week. Since i started Keto I have missed out on the pizza thing and a no crust pizza did not sound good to me. I came across the fat head pizza crust and decided to try it and loved it. I like your ideas for snacks. I eat…
  • For me and the family it is Keto friendly buffalo chicken strips for sure. Another one is curry rubbed chicken thighs. I also liked to make taco stuffed bell peppers. I found some great recipes for zucchini boats on pinterest but have not tried them out yet!
  • Hello again. I have tried again. Let me know. My sent message box shows them all so I am not sure what is going on. I hope this time it works.
  • Hi Magic, I just resent a message with my email. I hope it works this time. I do not know how to send a request through excel, but if you tell me how I can try. If that does not work I will leave it here like mj_zepda did, I would just prefer to avoid that if at all possible. Thanks!
  • Hi Magic18, I sent you a message 9/11/16 with my email. When you have a chance, can you verify that you got it? I have not seen anything com through my email giving me access to anything and I am concerned that you did not get my message or I missed the info in my junk mail. Thanks Much!
  • I am hoping you do not mind a late joiner. I was not really looking for any type of challenge. I was just looking at the different things people were doing and found this tonight. It peaked my interest since I am doing Keto and loving it. If it is an issue that I would like to join late, just let me know. Since tomorrow is…
  • I just started the Keto diet last Monday and found this while looking for more support. I am using Ruled.me and his 30 starter plan. So far great recipes and helpful hints. Love the bullet proof coffee and I do not like coffee! Please add me.