missaudrey0275 Member


  • @whitney91smith Yes, this helped a great deal. I must admit, I probably haven't been eating as many calories as I should only because I didn't understand, but these responses are helping. I'm pretty sure I'll have more questions lol. Thank you for offering to help.
  • I should also add that this is my second time around losing weight. I lost about 30 pounds (probably more than that) three years ago simply running everyday and cutting out a lot of the foods that were bad for me: bread, pasta, soda, etc...I didn't look at calories or even look at the scale, save for one time when I was…
  • @rj0150684 Thank you for your response. It was very helpful.
  • @janejellyroll For some reason my full response didn't go through, but I used the 1200 for a woman because over time I've seen it used to illustrate how much should intake daily. I'm new to calorie counting so I've been using that as an example.