Doesn't know what DP stands for
Wants to change his OS but cannot enter in BIOS
Hates pizza
Has a Klingon dictionary, swears in Klingon while in public because has a tourrete syndrome but doesn't want to be rude
P.S. He has a wig collection
That's not a lie
She sometimes order pizzas just for ambushing pizza delivery drivers
cryptopsy the frantic pace of dying 'n stuff lk that
Go to your profile, and under "My Progress" you'll see "Add to your site - Personalize your ticker"
Except best wishes to everyone on their journey, no. Have you ever downgrade from Win10?
No. Have you ever saved a tiny insect that has fallen in your drink glass?
People say this, people say that.... people say a lot of things because of different reasons. Do you feel good with that weight? Do you feel healthy and OK? Regardless charts, how do YOU feel about it? Do YOU want to lose some weight? If the answer is yes, than start with the losing weight program (your individual program…
So, how's it going?
Hi manicmuse1, support here :) You have done good work! Keep focus and be positive.