xcreepx Member


  • Pilates will help with the nerve damage in your lower back and can absolutely help with your core. I don't think once a week is quite enough though, but you can take what you learn at the studio and do a lot of it at home without equipment. I hate that it's so pricey, I did the 8 classes a month thing and it was hard to go…
    in TTMA Pilates Comment by xcreepx May 2019
  • Regretting Village Inn at 3 am.
  • I've been fighting with this since I was about 17 or so (back when haha, I wasn't overweight) and I'm now about 2 years away from making that 10 years of my life. Switching from loving myself and not caring what others think (aka also eating whatever I want and ZERO exercise) to the point where I know I'm over weight now…