It makes a lot of sense now lol
Thank you so much for the advice
We have been taught for so long that fat is bad...but when low fat diets became popular Diabetes and Obesity actually sky rocketed... Sugar is our number 1 culprit...low fat candy bars are actually double in sugars than any other candy bar...I'm really loving this way of hasn't been easy but the results are…
Mallory I am going through the same thing I was doing great lost 10 lbs in 2 and a half weeks and had a bad moment with a bottle of Moscato wine..But I'm not giving up...When you say " net carbs" do you mean like when you subtract fiber from carbs? Because that's what I've been doing lol have I been doing it wrong?
It did it again
Don't Ever Give Up
For some reason it's not posting my full post
Hi Shananagans
Thank You Bukovnik and I do try to keep my calories in check as well..some people don't on the keto..However I believe you should still watch your calories
Zita* (Autocorrect
And Zito I am loving this app...To not have to write everything out is a big deal this app biggest problem was food logging and setting goals..This app does it all
Tara I would wait until you fully recover from your gall bladder surgery..The first week of the keto diet is difficult..You will feel like you have the flu and have stomach cramping...Once you get past that point you feel really really great...But make sure you are healed from your surgery first luv
Also I don't feel hungry all the time I have more energy..the first week was kind of rough but it was worth it
I don't mind at all..The ketogenic diet is a high fat moderate protein and extremely low carb diet..What happens is you basically retrain your body and trick it into using fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates and sugar..your body starts producing ketones which are really good for you..Im. a busy mother of twin 1 yr Olds…
My biggest obstacle is not being consistent with my eating schedule and not tracking my food..Buying this app has made my life so much easier already in just 1 day
I've tried everything else...I have to say I love it my mind feels clear and I'm not in as much physical pain..I'm losing weight at a good rate too