KPGrandma Member


  • Live in Maine, so I only have about one more month to find a pool!!! Thanks
  • I feel like I'm making excuses to not exercise, but I'm really not. I used to go to a gym every day and I loved it. But I can't go now. 1) I'm 55 2)I'm over 200lbs 3) I have severe arthritis in my wrists & ankles 4) l4, l5, s1 disc issues 4) sacral torsion. Can someone figure out some exercise that I can do that does not…
  • I wish they had this vaccine in the 60's! I was 12 when I was raped and never told anyone. When I was 17 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, because the man who raped me had HPV. My daughter was the first in line when I heard about the vaccine.