aldonsa Member


  • I'm been at my calorie goal for a while (or under sometimes) now and I been stuck at -18 lbs. I really need to step up and do more works not just my walking.
  • I really just been following thread and friending everyone here. MFP community has been amaizing and very inspiring.
  • Nice job! Keep it up
  • Girl you look good! Don't anybody tell you other wise!
  • I think we all get to a weight and get stuck there for a while, at last time was me last time I tried to loose weight. So I gave up, also last time I didn't have friends in MFP and that has help me tremendously!! Plz don't give up! We can ALL do this! Stay positive! I walk like crazy, and I haven't been working out in the…
  • Hello everyone I wanted to do an update, I weighted my self yesterday and I'm now at 159lbs! I'm super exited that all the hard work has been paying off. Still have lots of work to do and trying to stay positive. Let keep working hard and stay strong!!
  • I know I'm late to post but I did weight my self yesterday. I lost 1lbs and I'm now at 15 lbs (I'm at 159) lost now. I'm so happy, still have a long ways to go but trying to stay strong. We can do this!! Stay strong and stay positive everyone!!
  • I'm 30 turning 31 next month and 4'11 now at a 161lbs I've lost 12 lbs so far really want to go down to 130. I also need the support as I'm starting to go back to my old ways of over eating. I'm here for anyone who needs my help because I could use all of your help.
  • I would love to join ladies! I'm also looking to loose 30 lbs by December I lost 12 already but have 30 to go. Please add me!! I need more motivation I been over eating the past week I need friends to keep me inline. I'm 4'11 and weight 162-3? I haven't weight my self, please help!
  • I'm also looking for friends to help me with my journey. Not really sure how to send friend request
  • Been here for about 5 weeks I don't know how to add anyone, fee free to add me.
  • Hi, I never lost weight just kept on gaining it :( also looking for friends for the motivation. Add me if you liked...I don't know how to add people. I also have been trough a lot in the past two yrs, and that's why I'm trying to leave all that negativity behind and start being pisiive and surround my self with positive…
  • I'm in the same boat, I've tried this app before but never stuck with it. I've been working really hard now for 5 weeks now watching what I eat and I've been progressing. It is defeninitaly hard work, and I really need to work out not just eat healthy. Wishing you the best!