bquartermainNZ Member


  • I hate looking at scales because I've either put on weight or stay the same despite eating clean, 1,200 calories per day and exercising 5x per week. If you are going to weigh yourself its best to do it first thing in the morning and without shoes on! Also, you may have gained muscle put dropped fat as muscle does weigh…
  • Hi there, not sure if you all have factored what exercise you are also doing? You may be burning fat but putting on muscle, muscle weighs more than fat.
  • I don't weigh my food but I log it and estimate my portion sizes on the number of calories.. seems to be going OK and its not difficult at all. The bar code scanner is champion! Use that and go from there.
  • Hi :smile: I'm new to this also but really enjoying it so far, especially the tracking exercise and calories part as i'm very visual and find that seeing my progress written down is best! I agree with the above comment "Meal planning and meal prep are key because it will prevent you from eating out. Make sure you don't…
  • I heard that 1 glass of red wine/night is the equivilant to an hour at the gym... :wink: