Looking to stay motivated and motivate others as well. Invite sent! Anyone looking for motivation, I log in daily and offer support as best I can.
Hell yes!
I see your point. It's like you're finally happy with the person staring back in the mirror, and you end up thinking...if I don't watch it I may end up gaining's a process. We'll get there:)
Thanks Everyone. It is quite the struggle. I learned a lot from all the good advice on here. In the end, it is about health so keeping that in mind it's best not to be consumed by worry and know I can lose weight IF I have to:)
Yes! You get it. I will have to be content with my weight AND hopefully find something else to get excited about. Thanks :)
Honestly, hardly ever. Family parties maybe, and that's not often. Maybe 1-2 timea a month...MAYBE
- toooooo
I know I want, and should, stay at my current weight, but my brain tells me to keep losing. It's a struggle. Find it harder to maintain my weight vs losing weight.
We're on the same boat. I'm 5'7 and I range between 140 and 145 at the moment:)
I'm everyone's best friend literally lol
Yup. Mee too. Oh how the tables turn lol
I hope you are getting medical help for all that honey. I'm so sorry you're going through all that. I have social anxiety as well and life situations make it worse. You just need to find ways to cope. What really helped me is meditation and spirituality. I'm not religious by any means, but spiritual, yes. Find your inner…
You go girl! It's an incredible feeling, I know it myself. So empowering. Keep it goin!
Congratulations. The MFP community is super supportive, so you'll have a great time while shedding for the wedding!
I like you:) P.s not quite
Try going gluten free for a week. I don't know why, but this worked wonders for me. If it doesn't work for you then it's not gluten related.
Great sense of humor :D
Maybe? Probably not lol
Have coffe
We are all here for a reason. Each of us has a purpose and each individual purpose serves a greater good. We are all born pure and as we grow we make choices that bring us closer or further apart from that purpose. We are enlightened when we figure it, but at least that is what I believe.
Stunning eyes!
Determined, proud!
9! Go bears:)
She's full of life! Damn lol
Yes I do lol
Awsome frames!