Hey just checking in, how are you? Where are you from? I'm in ohio....
Sending thoughts and prayers. I hope you are doing well to. Reach out if you need someine to talk to!!
Aquafina definitely water a big cold bottle of water!! I rarely drink soda/pop or anything else unless it's the real deal no artificial stuff or unsweetened tea but I have to have extra lemon so usually only order that when I go out to eat :#
Good looking
Eat Pray Love
Yes lots of fun.... :D o:) :D
Beautiful eyes :)
I took them off he he he :D :) o:)
The witch "There was madness in any direction, at any hour. You could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning"
How do you post selfies I'm new here :# Anyone?? :smiley:
Maybe o:) :# o:)
Wow thanks! I just turned 37 Lol.
Northeast Ohio