These days- no supplements apart from 2 scoops of blended protein powder a day ( 1 at breakfast, 1 as a night cap) I'd rather spend my hard earned ££s on good wholesome food.......
Sorry if this is a bit general, but this is my personal experience & work-around, for what it's worth... 2 or 3 years ago, I started noticing that once every few weeks I'd go hypo, then it gradually became more frequent, in fact almost weekly & usually on a Saturday around mid morning- often when out biking or sometimes…
Hi from the UK..... I have 1 to 2 cups a day. Dolce gusto Lungo in a small cup with semi milk & 1 tsp of soft brown sugar. It's a way of life, has been for the last few years now. I look forward to it every day!