Jane08012005 Member


  • If I thought coffee was a problem Id have to give up something else. But. Ive never heard that coffee is a culprit in the prevention weight loss. Unless its mixed with more cream, sugar, marshmallows etc. than actual coffee. At which point its a cake. Some people i know used to do this. Im not sayin names.
  • P.s. I have 70 to lose. I have to lose. a Saint Bernard. Yes. :#
  • BBCode. What does that mean? Im 48. I have two sons who just turned 21 & 25. They Are Fantastic boys. I did gain a lot of weight when I was pregnant. I remember thinking how just hilarious I was. Waddle , waddle. However I lost that weight steadily, in a healthy way and kept it off. I could eat anything and do nothing!…