kgoffin87 Member


  • You're completely right! I wouldnt worry though ...general advice is that 35 lbs is fine. You may be like me ... gaining in little spurts. I seemed to platoe but my stomach / weight has suddenly grown a lot in the past few days! And since hitting 26 weeks,I can't fit much food in so that's cutting down on amount I eat!…
  • Aacollins, sounds like you've done really well and I am definitely envious that the end is in sight for you! I've been eating complete garbage recently and feel shocking for it. Tomorrows a new day! Fruit and veg here I come.
  • Haha, thanks MissTracy! :) Sound advice spamarie, thank you! I've just never been large before and I'm struggling with the feeling of it! No vanity or anything, I just feel like my organs and baby are all packed into a tiny space that should not allow it! I hope all is well with you and baby, and you've done amazingly well…