I plan on living to 125 so I'm not really middle aged until I'm 62.5 but if you insist.
Both are almost certainly HIIT programs designed to create a sustained boost in your metabolism. I would honestly say go to whichever one is more fun for you. I'm assuming you can switch at any time.
define lean? I do chicken green chili (home made) which is about 6g fat, 14g protein and 10g carbs per bowl the way I make it. Lowfat cottage cheese is good for me, I eat it with picante sauce (sound weird, taste great)
I'm very heavy and I love it when women pick me up.
Sounds to me like you're doing a fine job and meeting your needs as well as meeting or exceeding your goals and although I'm not a professional it doesn't sound like you have a mental problem (like anorexia). If you start to feel too tired or lose too much weight then you should probably reconsider your diet. Well done! B)
Walk around the gym and find the people that look like they are in the shape that you want to be in. Do what they do. Please note that free weight areas tend to have about 6 men to every woman. If you're not sure how to do a lift ask (preferably someone who works there).
That's where I was going to to...what's on sale. You can always buy it bulk at places like Sprouts, I think bulk soy protein runs about $3/lb but don't quote me.
quinoa, lentils, green chili's, guava (for a fruit), legumes. I'm assuming you don't really want to go into the meats because...well they are of course the protein masters.
Better than having no food and running to fast food for lunch. Also nice because they tend to be very accurate regarding their kcal.
plain old fashioned soda cracker. Oh, with butter on them. Oh and peanut butter. Oh screw the crackers just give me a spoon and the peanut butter. OK, that's wrong so I'll spread the peanut butter on the crackers again. Then my mouth gets all peanut buttery stuck together so I'll need some butter on crackers to compensate.
Yes, but only if we can use Bolgi72's boat...