whoffmann Member


  • @AnnPT77 @MoveitlikeManda - yeah, I regularly have cheat days where I really tear it up. For me that's 2400+ calories (sometimes +++) vs. my normal 1500. But the temporary hit always seems to bounce back down when I'm back in losing mode. I think, anecdotally and without scientific proof, that the occasional binge actually…
  • @ActionAnnieJXN - thank you, that is an interesting idea that it could be something that medication could help. To be honest, I've thought of seeing a therapist many times over the years but I've always been able to pull my way out of the moment of depression, so I never have. It's scary to think of opening the Pandora's…
  • I just want to say a quick "thank you" to everyone who responded to this post. I have a lot to digest (ha ha) as there are many ideas in here, but it is so very inspiring that you all cared enough to write a response and to offer up a number of ideas. I think I will write a larger response to the many different ideas and…
  • Thank you for the book recommendations and this metaphor, jgnatca. I can visualize that, and that's kind of what it feels like. Except some days it feels like the elephant is the rider.
  • Thank you for the book recommendation KelseyRL.
  • Thanks, everyone, for the encouragement and advice. I have tried so, so many of these things. I KNOW what I should not do. But I feel old and the world feels dark, and it's something that I can choose, I think. That I can choose for myself. Some days, weeks, months are easier. But then the cycle drops again.
  • aluminum. Also tin, and iron ingots.
  • Salads, dressing on the side works at most places. I like Rubio's for that. Even Panda Express is a viable option if you substitute steamed veggies for rice/noodles. Teriyaki chicken or other lower-cal entrees.
  • Two more flavors tried: - Black Cherry - not bad, but not terribly exciting. Similar to the chocolate in texture, obviously a different flavor. - Oatmeal Cookie - Nice flavor. It genuinely has oatmeal in it. Whole pieces of oatmeal. Some people may like this, but I found them to be like little dry platelets. Took away more…
  • OK, first Halo Top experience this weekend - not bad! Ralph's had Buy 5 for $3.49 each, so I did that. Red Velvet, Chocolate, Chocolate Almond Crunch, Oatmeal Cookie, Black Cherry. I've tried the first three. - Red Velvet - LOVE - this seems like real ice cream - taste, mouth feel, even scooping. Relatively high in…
  • OP - you go, girl! Love your approach. Cut calories (and carefully measure portions to know what you're eating). Cut sugar to reduce sugar cravings. I don't know about eating grass, but y'know, if it works for you, go for it! Never heard of Amazing Grass before. Oh, I see--it's some powdered stuff in a can. Well, if it…
  • This is a fascinating discussion, lots of insightful comments. To me, the challenge of aspartame and other artificial sweeteners is more of a psychological challenge. By using these artificial sweeteners regularly, I retain what a "sweetness habit", so that when I am tempted to indulge, I am more likely to cheat with a…
  • Color me intrigued. I had tried the Arctic Zero but it was TERRIBLE. Didn't have the mouth feel, flavor, or softness of ice cream. But now I'll have to try Halo Top, especially since peanut butter cup is my drug of choice.
  • You can do it! I lost 35 pounds in 12 weeks, although I started a bit higher (289) and am much taller. But that was also a lot faster than you want to lose. IANAD, but here's what I did: 1. Count calories / weigh food. Can't emphasize this enough. You can't judge how much you're eating from looking at it, at first. A…
  • I am on a diet to lose 70 pounds to get back (closer) to my college weight. I am using calorie restriction, carb restriction (under 30g sugar/sweetener), and intermittent fasting (of a sort). Just over 6 weeks in, and I have lost 27 pounds (some of that is water weight at the beginning, I'm sure - the actual rate is about…