nmizo Member


  • Sounds like a good way to kickstart getting back to pre-pregnancy weight! Starting Weight: 188lbs Current Weight: 188 Septembers goal: 180 Ultimate Goal: 130-140 September 3rd: September 10th: September 17th: September 24th: September 30th:
  • My baby is a month old. I also have a 4.5 year old and a 3 year old, so it's pretty hectic. I'm not trying aggressively to lose weight for a few more months, but hoping to get back into some accountability and good habits. I began this pregnancy at an all-time high due to gaining 40lbs in the year preceding the pregnancy…
  • My baby is a month old, so I'm not aggressively trying to lose weight yet, just getting back into accountability and healthier habits. Unfortunately I gained 40lbs in the year before my pregnancy, so went into my pregnancy at my all time highest weight (higher even than when I was 9 months pregnant with my other daughter).…