mistyhiss Member


  • ...when it takes less than a minute for my thighs to finish wobbling when I've stopped moving. :D
  • Eh? Your legs are great. I think legs in general just look larger when we look down on them and then you have a bias when looking at photos of them, it's just perspective. ;)
  • At the weekends I weigh my food out as normal and attempt to count the calories but will often eat more than I would during the week. It seems to work out OK though and often I will still have lost a pound for that week. I am far more active at the weekends though (gardening and whatnot) which I think helps.
  • Ouch, that cost is extortionate. :/ Most shampoos seem to contain parabens and sodium laureth sulphate which can irritate the scalp. Maybe look into a shampoo which is free of these. Not sure if you can get Body Shop products outside of the UK but I've been using their rainforest shampoo and conditioner for my sensitive,…
  • I asked my GP about this and she said that anti depressants have not been proven to cause weight gain, which leads me to believe we just eat more when we start feeling better. I lost a lot of weight at the last point i was feeling low and looking back i was just hardly eating anything. I go cuckoo without SSRIs so just…