28? Can't tell with the helmet so just a middle of the road guess :)
9.98? Seems fair
Nope. TNP has swam in freezing water
Northeast Oklahoma
In 2012, Before Nexplanon, I was 168, I was 109 when I got it taken out a year later so I could try for my son. So I lost weight while on it. Started hormones in Jan & went from 184 to 140.
My graduating class had a 50% drop out rate & everyone is welcome for our 10th year reunion in 2017. Even other graduating classes. So I wouldn't see an issue at all
Yes thanks to drinking HYE drank moonshine?
False. TNP rushes into a relationship too soon
It's crazy how some get away with certain things, and other fighters don't. He fights pretty often, but yes, that FW belt needs to be defended in his next bout. He's too caught up in talking trash to Mayweather, Rick Flair, etc to actually defend his belt. Hopefully he will soon. He's still such a great fighter, his speech…
I agree! A rematch for sure. I'm always amazed at Wonderboy's fighting style. I think it's very interesting
It was a very good match. I enjoyed the 2 polish girls fighting. Tate retiring was kind of a shock. Connor winning was expected. I actually thought Wonderboy was going to win. He's such a fan favorite
True. Sings in the shower
Can't tell but I'll say I'm heavier
57 only because you just said so :)
Never. HYE missed a flight
Never had it before! HYE hid in the bathroom because you didn't want to work?
True. TNP has binged at a pizza buffet