alexpn Member


  • Ultimately, Keto Diets and/or Atkins... after those initial body glycogen dumps (water weight exiting the body) - however it's packaged or marketed - the long term success will eventually come down to the same weight loss process in terms of calories in and out. There is definitely still misconceptions out there that you…
  • All of the above but can we include the changing/shower rooms in the gym too? I despise those men who feel it's acceptable to clean out their sinuses and spit it out when they are getting showered. It's F@cking disgusting! Yes girls, this really happens!
  • These are great responses, I appreciate them guys. I'm constantly researching what works for me best, but it seems from what I'm reading, that everyone has something slightly bespoke that works for them.... I think I will up my calories a little, and keep tabs on the macros.
  • Just to explain again, the only reason I have dropped my calories so low is because of the weight stall over the last 3 weeks, if I thought I could get away with it, I'd probably not stop eating all day. For me, I could easily put away 1,000 calories for breakfast alone.
  • You know what, I'm really not. For me, warning signs are usually lightheadedness when I stand up a bit too quickly, but that happens very rarely. By and large I have enough energy for my workouts (eg I did Spin this morning for an hour at high intensity) and feel I eat enough throughout the day.
  • Nice! I'll take those comments all day long... It's a very well taken photo ;-)
  • I wish I was 25! 41... :smiley:
  • I seem to get different stats for every calculator site I use. Some factor in day to day activity levels on top of exercise... I have a sedentary job. I should say I'm also 41 years old which I think would send the figures down?
  • Currently 119kg (was 147.6kg back in March this year)
  • I've used an online TDEE calculator that was recommended via another site that I use.
  • So 2,100 per day is pretty much definitive? - this is what someone else said yesterday.
  • I try to exercise strenously! Sometimes I think my food control is more strenuous than my exercise..
  • Yeah, my last TDEE/BMR report was basically saying BMR 2,250 and TDEE 2700... obviously I am trying to lose weight currently, so I've taken 500 calories off the BMR daily figure to create a 3,500 calorie/1 pound deficit over the week (7x500). But even with this, and my current exercise levels, my weight is still sticking…
  • I'm eating these levels just literally experimenting with my intake to see what it does to my energy levels at home, at the gym, and just to see what effect it has on my weight. I haven't been using scales up until the last couple of weeks, but since getting on board with MFP, I'm becoming super OCD now... But yeah, you're…
  • changed the thread title ;-)
  • I'm trying to currently stay around 1500-1700 calories a day, and yes, obviously recording my food on here... but even though I am gradually reducing these figures over time, my weight is resisting change.
  • I think that's where I'm at with it to be honest, my head is very much geared into the science side now - calories/out and I don't want to have to exclude myself from occasional bread, potatoes whatever BUT there's no denying that my body just seems to prefer living on meat and good fats, and I get more consistent weight…
  • Love eggs, I sometimes have 10-12 a day if am following strict low carbs, I've heard of people having over 20! Ironic thing is, I used to HATE eggs as a kid!
  • I personally don't do them, but I understand they form a pretty decent base for anyone who is considering embarking on a novice/beginner routine such as Stronglifts 5x5 - however, I would imagine if you're not overly bothered about muscle isolations - you could use a good leg press machine to get some similar lower body…
  • Personally I don't find the fruit works for me, never really gets me the taste I want. A nice combination I've used is to mix it with water, then add peanut butter, a dusting of chocolate diet whey powder, and some honey... it's the absolute nuts in taste and keeps you going all day!
  • Sorry to butt in, but this is not necessarily the case, you don't have to eat the calories you burn specifically from exercise, it's also a bit dangerous because the calculations for calories burned from certain exercises, apps and gym machines are not consistent. You should work out your BMR (base metabolic rate) and TDEE…
  • Unfortunately, fluid retention and glycogen storage are things we all have to deal with, we cant get rid of it and they fluctuate based on intake. No one body is the same! This is why weighing yourself too regularly will never give you any peace of mind. It's always safer to judge your efforts on genuine body changes with…
  • I think stress and food are so linked it's crazy. I love the idea of logging my food, it gives you such an insight to the truth of what you're doing. Very easy to lose focus when you have a bad few months, but you just have to dust yourself off and start again!
  • I'm over in the North East/Lincs.... I've managed to despatch 30kg so far in 5 months, just starting off the MFP thing in the last few days so I can deal with the last 10 or so kg.... keen to add UK based like minded people on a similar mission....
  • Definitely don't eat your calories back. I'm sceptical with the calorie burn counts with a lot of apps to be honest. Endomondo rates an hour of cycling sometimes over 1,500 calories (with all my weight stats incorporated) however this is completely different when I log it on here using MFP's defaults, and also different…
  • Hi, you're welcome to add me, I am a few months into my journey, and just recently started with MFP and looking for as much support as poss... I've lost 30kg so far and looking to burn off the last few kg! It's hard...