alexpn Member


  • for some reason, I cant add the picture properly!
  • Crazy certifiable, or just crazy horses....?
  • This is a really interesting thread, I am glad I found it. I did BPC a while ago, I used a generic MCT oil mainly because Aprey's products are wildly overpriced. I'm sure there is something in the science of consuming a rich keto breakfast. I currently follow keto - but eat eggs in the morning, and typical meat based…
  • There appear to be a lot of salad dodgers in the States!
  • Just for anyone interested - Ephedrine is REASONABLY close to amphetamines in terms of molecular structure. It's banned in many countries (probably because it works and the Health Boards don't like it!)
  • As a few people have already mentioned, the ECA/Ephedrine/Ephedra products do seem to have a good effect on fat - certainly when I've used them, but you just can't use them and expect success if your diet is crap or you're not exercising - it's pointless. There's also Clenbuterol which is heading into darker areas of…
  • Horrible Bosses Jen Aniston vs every movie ever Angelina Jolie - absolutely no contest. Angelina Jolie is one of the wierdest women I have ever come across in the celeb world, she is just an odd ball.
  • I've just purchased MECHANICAL scales, with a proper dial and a needle readout like you get at the Doctors. I find ALL the Digital ones I've used unreliable in terms of the results. You can literally step on 3-4 times in 3-4 minutes and get different results. The brand/model of mine are Salter 145's - they are awesome,…
  • Yeah, and what about people who used to live in London, couldn't afford the astronomical rents, so moved out to the countryside ?!!
  • I do have a taste for Diet Coke, but I'm trying to stop drinking it because it's sweetened with Aspartame, and it's supposed to be very bad for your insides when it's metabolised. I think the jury is out about Insulin response and Sweeteners, but a lot of main stream diets do say to avoid sweeteners because they `can'…
  • They are great to use in the gym for dips, planks and stretches, but I would never buy one for home use, it will be on Ebay by Christmas!
  • It takes time! It depends on what sort of diet you're following, and how much excess weight you have to lose in the first place. If you are 40 kilos overweight, and as an example suddenly start following a low carb/Ketosis based diet, you might lose as much as 14 pounds in the first week due to water weight loss. If you're…
  • Avocado with a baked egg inside the hole, and grilled smoked bacon... good fats!
  • ESSENTIALS: Eggs, Fry Light 1-Cal Spray, Fresh Spinach, Fresh Lettuce, Mayo, Mustard, Chicken Thighs/Breast, Bacon, Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Coffee, Canned Tuna, Garlic Powder, Chilli Powder, Apples, Olive Oil. Loads of other stuff, but the above are what I need in 24-7.
  • Eat everything you want in moderation but be aware of the calories. The closer you are to being `on a diet' - the stronger the urges are to fall off it. Cutting anything out long term is really not particularly sustainable.
    in Carbs Comment by alexpn September 2016
  • Only ever used it as a way to lose weight quickly, which has worked ok most times, but in general, I'd say it's pretty unsustainable as you have to cut full food groups out on a mid-long term basis. If you like fruit, this can be an issue. Also, it does dick about with your energy levels, so if you like working out, you…
  • Lincolnshire here.... add me if you can put up with my cynical rants about everything and anything! Alex.
  • Lincolnshire here! although occasionally I feel like I am from Narnia.. happy to have anyone on my friends list from Blighty
  • This is all true, many of our actions and thought patterns are learned and habitual, whether positive or negative. The more you make yourself do something positive, the more likely it becomes the norm for you and habitual. Takes time, but it definitely works.
  • Also British! Let's get you all on board! (I'm in Lincolnshire)
  • Hi there. The first thing to really say to you - I think - is you're not alone, and you don't need to feel as though you're alone. I'm sure most people on here, especially those with previous weight issues have struggled with anxiety and depression to a point, they go hand in hand. For me personally, I find a mantra very…
  • I have to agree with the Cadburys Mini Egg statement from earlier, I used to work in a Supermarket Bakery, and at Easter, the bakery would receive CATERING size packs of mini eggs to decorate the cakes with. Dangerous times!
  • Well done on your efforts. Just a side comment - if you're doing a lot of exercise against lower than needed protein intake, I would instantly try and deal with that as a priority in your food. Decent protein is central to sparing your muscles and repairing them after your exercise. Use the calorie calculator mentioned…
  • Eggs and Apples (but not together)
  • Running and poo-ing looks like it could hold its own as a separate thread!
  • Here's a confession to end all confessions with fitness and exercise..... A few years ago, when I was out running between some fields and dirt tracks, I really badly needed to take a Number 2, and was at the point where I had to stop there and then to do it. As I was running without any equipment, the only thing I could…
  • I've tried it, as a standalone supplement, and also taken various protein powders with it in, and seen very little differentiation against what would happen with general weight loss / placebo. I believe CLA, Green Tea, L-Carnitine they are just used to sell products that you really don't need if you're in calorie deficit…
  • I've done it a few times before, you NEED to add something for flavour when adding eggs to oats! Also, it gets pretty thick and gloopy if you use more than one egg. Eggs and Oats are pretty common in Scotland, not too far from me!