BiggeA Member


  • 41k steps is roughly 20.5 miles. Think the average of calories burned per mile is 100? It depends on your height/weight but is 1300 enough to cover 20 miles?
  • It goes by your weight and depends on if your doing work/exercise that damages muscles. Like lifting weights. Most recommend .8 - 1.4 per pound of body weight. That is if you were lifting 3 times a week, if not you don't need half that. Unless you're a feather I'm gonna say 100g a day is not too much.
  • Start by logging everything that passes your lips and try to stay within your daily calorie limit set by mfp. Invest in a food scale if you don't currently own one. As long as you maintain a caloric deficit you will lose weight. Exercise can help, but losing weight is 90% nutrition.
  • As they say, calories is king. If your not watching what you eat you can't expect to lose. You can easily out eat a work out regardless of how much you do. Sitting here debating a 540 calorie NY cheesecake slice. I can eat it in 20 seconds while that's easily 2 hours of exercise to burn off. CICO. If your in a caloric…
  • 1500 calories for a 5ft 10 frame at 277lb seems low. I put you digits in on scoobys workshop. ..and a 20% caloric deficit puts your daily calories at 2402. 3003 to maintain if your a male. 1979 to cut at 20%, 2473 to maintain if your a female. Something may be off but if you…
  • To be honest i don't care much for the scale. I'm currently 167.8lb at 5ft 7in. Seems I'm about 10lbs over a healthy weight for my height going by most calculators. The main reason for my diet is to get rid of the pinch-able fat around my waist. Not so much what the scale tells me. I've been on a calorie deficit for 48…
  • Cut it is, ty all.
  • Ouch, i was guessing 25% maybe? Least i don't think I'm as big as images i have seen that are shared by others here. Least i dont have excess fat on my chest. My main reason for asking was because I'm on a 20% calorie deficit and was thinking a recomp would be better to try as i do lift and it would allow me to eat at…
  • Save some milk gallon jugs and fill them with water / sand. You can use them as a set of dumbbells. If you're patient you can watch Craigslist and find good deals on free weights eventually. Around .10-.50 cents per pound. Many people buy weight sets and stop using them. When they collect enough dust people practically…
  • Body weight exercises are probably your best bet. The counter push ups should build strength if effort is invovled, you can also do knee push ups. Squats with no weight. Negatives for pull-ups and dips. Ect, You can build your own equipment for a few $. Such as Scoobys TRX strap for $5, A set of milk gallons filled with…