kirk496 Member


  • I'm not sure if i'll continue to use it or not, however it's good to keep track of your calories and proteins and fats and stuff, It was pretty interesting, I dip to much
  • Since somebody wasn't satisfied with my first post. Turns out a lemon shakeup has like 100 somethings grams or whatever of sugar.
  • Was bad turned out great. I had a burger, a lemon shakeup, and a thing of cheese fries.
  • I'll be working the rodeo for football, other than that probably not much maybe get more protein from burgers and stuff. I suppose I could update it.
  • My calorie total remaining for yesterday was 1,732 I had 2,125 and then had 547 from football. I could't reach my total goal because my metabolism moves to fast for me to gain any weight. I needed 3,310 total calories in a day the most I could do was about 2000 something. Then with football I burned some of the calories I…
  • This is just the greatest thing ever Will
    in AMIRITE Comment by kirk496 August 2016