Naruya8 Member


  • Yes, that's what I was looking for, thanks a lot! :) Now we just wait a while and hopefully it'll get better. Untill then I'll use MFP's estimate and register my workouts, so I should be fine.
  • Is there a way to not let the Fitbit step count adjust my calories on MFP while still getting the nutrition and weight information synced to the Fitbit app?
  • I did the math and it actually does check out. The calories MFP gives you is TDEE based on the activity level you enter. Fitbit starts out with BMR and adds to that whenever you move around, which gives you a more accurate reading each day. Fitbit then sends those calories to MFP and overrides them (that's what the…
  • No, I think OP is right, I'm having the same problem. I think the 900 OP is referring too is 900 calories on top of the BMR. It's what I'm getting, and it's ridiculous. The estimated calories for workouts seem to be correct, but it's the walking/constant HR monitoring that's giving me way more calories burned than I'm…
  • It might be a bit boring at home to do just bodyweight exercises, but you can try to make it more fun? Find something you like! I found the site with lots of workout programs that have you do a different set of exercises every day, so you don't get bored doing the same thing over and over. Right now I'm working…
  • You can delete your MFP link on the Fitbit website. Log in there, go to settings > applications and revoke access to MFP. Then, go through it again and add your new account. That should do the trick.
  • The Witcher 3 for me. I've had it since a couple of months after release but since the game needs so much time, I left it laying around for over a year because I could never find the time to just sit down and play for a few hours. When I finally did pick it up again, I got hooked and finished it within a few weeks, DLC…
  • Haha, my boyfriend had that too the first couple of weeks after release. We'd go out for a 30-60 minute walk every evening and on saturday we'd usually spend half the day just walking around. It was great to finally get him out of the house and have some company! Sadly, the hype has died and so has his interest to go out…
  • I've had my Charge 2 since saturday and I like it. I haven't had a Fitbit before so I can't really compare them, but from the other fitness bands I've tried the quality seems fine. It fits me really well and the band is soft enough that I don't notice it being on my wrist. I am thinking of buying a leather band for it so…
  • Thanks for your reply! I'll just wait it out a bit then and hopefully it'll get better. Untill then I'll just stick to what I was eating before and I should be fine. :)
  • I just started earlier this week and I wouldn't mind some more like-minded buddies for support and motivation, so add away :)
  • Connected GPS pretty much means that your device (in this case the Charge 2) is connected to your phone and borrows the GPS to display certain information (like pace, distance etc)
  • I'm also from The Netherlands, but Team Mystic all the way!
  • The past few years I have pretty much been Playstation-only but because of the recent Pokemon Go hype I decided to dust off my old 3DS and play some Pokemon! The nostalgia of it is making me really enjoy it! Another long RPG after just finishing The Witcher 3 isn't really helping my huge backlog though, but oh well!
  • I've been playing on and off for years, but I've barely played Cata and Pandas and skipped the last expansion entirely. It all looks great and I played a bit at Gamescom which was fun.. but I doubt I'll get back into it. The game is just too big for the amount of time I'll be able to play. Oh, how I miss the good old days…
  • They have perfect timing with the release of these new ones. My old activity tracker broke yesterday for a second time (Jawbone UP24) so I'm in the market for a new one. The Charge 2 looks awesome so I'm thinking it's finally time for me to join the Fitbit community!