bearr996 Member


  • This is why I got out of the public gym scene. I'm not unracking 600 pounds from a bar so someone can curl in the squat rack. I know sometimes box gyms are all we got, so here's my take. Do your thing. If someone asks to work in, I'd ask what they're going to do. Hell they may have 12 sets of bench press (because no one…
  • Get it in when you can. I work a desk job, 10 hours a day. Luckily we have desks that lower and raise so we can stand up whenever we want and work. We've been known to bust out some air squats, push ups, sit ups, stretching etc during a work day. Sometimes it gets pretty entertaining with push up challenges.
  • Be careful with protein bars. Most are undercover candy bars. Some have sugar content as high or higher than 30 per bar. Carb to protein ratios off, artificial sweeteners, horrible sources of protein (beyond soy). In a pinch sure, a bar isn't awful every once in a while, buy definitely not something I'd replace a meal…