Carbs. Every single one of them.
This sounds awesome. What are the costumes? Most in the UK keep Halloween quite small, people sure more that know me think I'm mad but it's all fun and games
Accept :)
Sure. I'll try and keep up lol
Drunk.... I will be drunk on Halloween lol Still trying to pick a costume, possibly a voodoo doll
I'm far too excited about Halloween. Far more than any self respecting adult should be
I confess to sending my rabbit flying tonight when she tried to climb my leg whilst I was on the cross trainer!!! I don't think she will jump at me on there again in a hurry
This thread has lead to me online hunting out a good costume. And need pumpkin carving ideas. I'm such a big kid.
Got yourself a deal lol
I effing love Halloween!! I always have a Halloween party. Counting down the days
Only 5'1"
It to be Friday and a rum and coke in hand
Be shocked as I've never had a friends request on here lol
The will power to drag myself off the sofa and get some work done tonight
Sure, although I don't think I could do that.... Lol
Never seen Prison break
Curled up on the sofa with the cat! I'm so rock and roll
No way but Can't hurt to try lol
I miss having red in my hair! Lol
Polishing a Mercedes. My Sunday sucks lol