laurendunlop83 Member


  • I've found that slowing down my eating has really helped with the binges. Might sound weird, but I buy a Fry's Turkish Delight as a treat slice it into smaller squares and eat it really slowly. It feels like more of a treat and I'm much more satisfied afterwards. Before I don't think it was even touching the sides! :D
  • Hey just wondering how long it took most people to get over the initial nausea/headaches typically associated with the early stages of keto? Or any tips to avoid this?
  • Interesting point about the packaged foods and I will need to watch this. this is quite a small part of my diet looking back over eight days I've probably consumed about 3200 kcals from scanned food so there is a chance here that I've gone over my allowance by 640 kcals but it's unlikely to be that high overall and would…
  • Actually just to 'weigh' in here I am tracking and weighing everything unless it's packaged foods in which case I'm just scanning the barcode
  • Hey I'm only at the start of my journey but like you my ultimate goal seems insurmountable from where I am right now. I've tried and failed so many times before and I think that the sheer scale of the challenge has been a big part of that. This time around I'm trying to do things differently setting myself small goals for…
  • Thanks for your comments everyone. I have been reviewing my food diary with my trainer and although I've been recording everything she feels that my carb intake is probably too high given that I suffer from insulin resistance. She suggested an increase in calories and a decrease in carbs. I've lost 2lbs in 2 days of doing…